On March 12th, 2022, Huawei Cambodia, represented by Mr. Dong Yuanpeng, gave speech and presentation in the “Forum of Post-Covid development of Digital Economy in Cambodia”. The Forum was successfully hosted by the Cambodia Internet Startup Association (CISA). The forum also attracted high ranking people from Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), Zheng Heng Group, and Cambodia Association of Fintech and Technology (CAFT) to join.
The Forum began with the opening remark by H.E. Dr. Sam Sethserey, the president of the Institute of Research and Innovation of Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT). He introduced the overview of CADT and the progress of the digital talent cultivation for the readiness of Cambodia industry 4.0 digitalization.
Mr. Jack Lee, Director and Co-founder of CISA and founder of Smile shop, briefly introduced the audience about the initiation of CISA and the vision to empower Cambodian Internet start-ups and build a brilliant milestone along the path of the “Belt and Road Initiative”. He added that “Thanks to Huawei Cambodia for taking part with our forum today and for the ongoing support to smile shop, also the Cambodia Internet Startup Association with the leading ICT tech solutions.”

Mr. Dong Yuanpeng, Chief of Communication Officer of Huawei Cambodia, presented the audience with an overview of Huawei as the world-leading ICT infrastructure and smart devices provider along with the company vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home, and organization for a fully connected, intelligent Cambodia. He further emphasized about Huawei Cloud that has ramped up the capacities and diversified the service offerings to support businesses, and have enabled a new generation of start-up companies, and currently also becomes the first and only Cloud service provider which is certified by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.
Mr. Tomas Pokorny, the Secretary General of CAFT, and co-founder of Pi-Pay highlighted the deep detail of digital payment and inclusive finance in Cambodia. He praised the ambition and fully support of Huawei Cambodia’s vision in Cambodia and he would like to take this opportunity to join hands with both fintech and non-fintech in order to achieve the same spirit of building a fully connected and intelligent Cambodia.

The forum was ended with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between Cambodia Internet Startup Association (CISA) and Cambodia Association of Fintech and Technology (CAFT) to bring together both the internet industry and fintech community and cultivate more internet talents in Cambodia.