Phnom Penh, 13 March 2024: This week, H.E. Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, visited Cambodia. Commissioner Urpilainen’s trip allowed her the opportunity to take stock of the European Union’s longstanding cooperation with the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Her trip commenced with a visit to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum where she laid a wreath to the victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge.
Starting at the highest political level, Commissioner Urpilainen had an excellent meeting with H.E. Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia, followed also by one with H.E. Sok Chenda Sophea, DPM and Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the new government’s priorities and its relationship with the EU.
She paid a visit to the Bakheng water treatment plant (a Global Gateway flagship investment in clean water, supported by the EU and France) and met with representatives from Civil Society. She also met with European Businesses on the opportunities to invest and work in Cambodia, and views on the business environment.
The Commissioner met with DPM and Minister of Economy and Finance, H.E. Aun Pornmoniroth, in a signing ceremony to launch four programmes supporting green transition in Cambodia, with a focus on promoting sustainable value chains, energy efficiency and renewable energy. These initiatives aim to promote the green transition and support the integration of Cambodian products into regional and international markets.
The Commissioner’s visit also heralded the announcement of the Global Gateway Flagship investment programme in ‘Education for green and digital jobs’, which will attract much needed investments for the Cambodian youth. A keen advocate for youth and education, the Commissioner visited Chumpou Voan General and Technical High School alongside DPM and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports H.E. Choun Naron, where she addressed the students and spoke of the importance of education and research. She also met with the EU Delegation’s local Youth Sounding Board, an initiative established under the Commissioner’s mandate, and other youth networks who gave insights on how youth can take its central role for the present and the future of the country. The Commissioner also visited Phnom Penh Thmey Primary School, where, alongside H.E. Eang Sophalleth Minister of Environment, she planted trees under the EU’s #ForOurPlanet and MoE’s #OneMillionTrees campaigns.
The Commissioner further met with H.E. Chhieng Yanara of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) to endorse together the official roll-out of two Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs) on Green Agribusiness and Decent Jobs and the on Green Factories and Decent Jobs. These Initiatives provide a framework for Team Europe (EU and its Member States) to converge towards shared objectives in policy sectors that are priority for both the EU and Cambodia, notably sustainable, green agri-business, green factories and decent jobs.
European Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen said: “It was a pleasure for me to visit Cambodia and to discuss our partnership with the Royal Government. Cambodia has come a long way in its development path, lifting millions of people out of poverty over the past two decades. With the upcoming graduation from Least Developed Country status, Cambodia has now come to a critical juncture. The European Union is committed to its partnership with Cambodia, based on our values and on human rights principles, to accompany the delicate transition.”
Igor Driesmans, EU Ambassador said: “We were delighted to host Commissioner Urpilainen in her first trip to the ASEAN region and launch significant European investments, here in Cambodia. We hope her visit has deepened the connection between the EU and Cambodia going forward as we work in partnership to ensure that our programs in the country are done through a value-based approach with human rights, sustainability and green innovation at its core.”
“Team Europe Initiatives” (TEIs) steer and coordinate EU and EU Member States’ programmes to converge towards selected common goals for partner Governments and Team Europe. The TEI also offer a new concept of international partnership, where European actors join forces and offer a whole array of instruments, such as grants, loans, guarantees, blending, technical assistance, and private sector investments. TEIs create opportunities to mobilise some additional loan financing for investments from European Financing Institutions under the
Global Gateway, the European strategy “to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world”. Global Gateway seeks a transformational impact, mobilising technical expertise and smart investments respecting the highest social and environmental standards, in line with the EU’s interests and values.
#ForOurPlanet campaign the EU’s commitment to environmental sustainability worldwide, and to the “one million tree” campaign spearheaded by the Ministry of Environment.